53 Wood First Commitments and Counting
More and more communities, representing almost 1.1 million BC residents have entrenched their support for our foresters and wood manufacturers, buildings their residents can be proud of and a cleaner, healthier planet.
Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom
made this statement on November 10, as it was the first community in the province to adopt a Wood First Resolution in support of the Wood First Act. “We are confirming our belief in the wood industry, the lifeblood of our community. We want to strengthen existing markets and help create new ones. We want to develop new opportunities as a part of a strategy to ensure a strong wood industry. We will develop projects that are outstanding examples of what can be done when you are innovative while building with wood.” |
Quesnel Resolution Wood First Bylaw – Quesnel News Release – Bylaw | |
“There is no doubt in my mind that wood is the single most important industry for our community,” explains Mayor Karen Hamling of Nakusp. “Not only does it provide jobs, but it is extremely important and versatile as a building material for our community. It is also the preferred material for building in our community. The environmental benefits of using wood as well as the economic and social benefits are tremendous for Nakusp and area and for many other communities in this province. The environmental, economic and social spin offs for using wood and wood products are not to be underestimated. Nakusp has chosen to be a wood champion for all of these reasons.” | |
Nakusp Resolution | |
Prince George adopted its Wood First Resolution on February 8th. “As BC’s northern capital and a community that continues to be very much dependant on the resources around us, it’s extremely important for the City of Prince George to take a leadership role in promoting the benefits of building with wood culture both within our city as well as beyond our city limits”, said Mayor Dan Rogers. “From an environmental perspective, this effort aligns well with our city’s goals to become one of the most resilient and sustainable cities in the country. It is now evident that building with wood is a priority for us but it will also be backed up with policy changes that align with what the province is doing to maximize the use of wood in all public construction projects”. | |
Prince George Resolution | |
City of Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff says, “Castlegar enthusiastically supports the use of wood as a primary building material and sees the Wood First Act as an excellent step in trying to stimulate our local wood industry and increase local jobs.” | |
Castlegar Resolution | |
Mayor Libby Nelson of the Village of Fruitvale says, “Fruitvale is a forest community which recognizes the economic impact of forestry on our prosperity, the value and strength wood products provide, and the simple and awesome beauty of wood used well. We are proud to declare ourselves a Wood First community.” | |
Fruitvale Resolution | |
In Campbell River, Councillor Ziggy Stewart, who was instrumental in setting up the Future of Forestry Task Force states,” This policy shows our true commitment to supporting the ongoing development of a wood culture in Campbell River that focuses on the structural and architectural use of wood. We need to develop new strategies that will enhance opportunities to develop a vibrant local forest industry.” | |
Campbell River Commitment Campbell River Commitment | |
“The environmental benefits of using a renewable resource such as wood, as well as the economic and social benefits are tremendous for the Village of Midway, the Boundary area and ultimately the Province of British Columbia,” says Mayor Randy Kappes of the Village of Midway. Footnote: In addition to adopting a Wood First Resolution, Midway also has a pending Wood First Bylaw, designed ensure that village staff consider using wood as a primary building material in the design and construction of village-funded buildings wherever practical and appropriate. | |
Midway – Wood First Resolution Midway – Wood First Bylaw | |
The City of Armstrong has been a strong supporter of wood use in its civic projects for a number of years, with the completion of its new swimming pool as the most recent showcase of wood, and a civic arena as one of its first. “In 2005, we constructed with provincial and federal funds as well as our partner the Township of Spallumcheen, the “highest content” wood arena in Canada. Wood WORKS! BC coached us in the design of the arena, which showcased the forestry industry in the Okanagan with significant support from local mills and remanufacturers,” explains Armstrong Mayor Chris Pieper. “Our community is proud to be supporting the Wood First Initiative of the provincial government.” | |
Armstrong – Wood First Resolution Armstrong – Wood First Bylaw | |
“Making wood a priority whenever we consider city projects just makes sense for the City of Kelowna. The wood industry is important to our local economy and this renewable resource fits with our city’s goal of supporting sustainable practices and materials,” says Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd, a long-time supporter of wood construction and the wood industry. | |
Kelowna – Wood First Resolution | |
Columbia Shuswap Regional District has adopted a Wood First Policy and Wood First Resolution in support of the Wood First Act. “The Columbia Shuswap Regional District has supported both the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities by adopting resolutions to build a wood culture in BC and across Canada,” states chair Ron Oszust. “We as the CSRD will support this endeavor by selecting wood champion designers and builders for all regional district building projects so that the opportunities for building with wood cost effectively are maximized. In being a wood champion and supporting the BC government’s Wood First Act, we have adopted a Wood First Resolution and passed a Wood First Policy that will establish a long-term strategy for building with wood in the CSRD.” | |
CSRD – Wood First Resolution | |
Al Richmond, chair, Cariboo Regional District “As the 2010-2011 Forest Capital of Canada, the Cariboo Regional District is working to support all sectors of our forest industries, and large and small operators, by promoting and utilizing local wood and wood products,” describes Al Richmond, chair, Cariboo Regional District. “Our new Wood First Policy encourages the use of wood products as primary building materials in the construction of new buildings, and has already been employed in the construction of our new library in 100 Mile House.” | |
Cariboo Regional District Wood First Policy | |
Mayor David Pernarowski, City of Terrace “Terrace city council sees its Wood First Bylaw as one of many ways to revitalize our forestry industry by actively promoting wood as the building material of choice,” states Mayor David Pernarowski, City of Terrace. “Building with wood supports our economy, is cost effective and is easily sourced locally. Wood requires less energy to manufacture than other building materials, which fits well with our desire to reduce our carbon footprint. Wood is sustainable, organic, adaptable to any project and visually appealing. The Wood First Act is a timely initiative by the provincial government and the City of Terrace is pleased to join a growing list of communities that are showing leadership in making every attempt to bring our forestry industry back to the forefront.” “Terrace has two recent examples of just how much impact the use of wood can have on the structure and visual appeal of a building. The Northern Savings Credit Union and Horizon Dental Clinic both incorporated wood as their primary building material during the construction of their new offices and the end results are two beautiful new buildings in our downtown core.” | |
Terrace – Wood First Initiative | |
“The economy of City of Williams Lake and surrounding region is highly dependent on the forest industry and our council felt it important to support the use of wood wherever possible. Our recent Wood First Resolution is consistent with our current practice of considering wood for all of our municipal projects and promoting the use of wood in private developments. The recently constructed Tourism Discovery Centre and Wal Mart Super Store are excellent example of our commitment to the Wood First movement.” — Kerry Cook, Mayor of Williams Lake | |
Williams Lake – Wood First Resolution | |
“Wood is integral to the past, present, and future of Enderby. Many of our local businesses are leaders in using wood products in innovative ways. Wood is a warm, natural and renewable material,” explainsMayor Dee Wejr, City of Enderby. “Philosophically, my council is focused on fostering the right conditions to enhance our business environment and create new jobs. We believe that a Wood First Policy will do exactly that. Through this and other measures, we have taken concrete steps as a council to make Enderby an incredibly competitive place to do business.” | |
“Building with wood is consistent with natural resource sustainability, economic sustainability and contributes to the reduction of carbon footprints. Council encourages residents, business and industry to incorporate the use of wood wherever possible.” — Mitch Campsall, Mayor of 100 Mile House | |
Hundred Mile House Wood First Bylaw | |
“Wood is one of the most sustainable, natural and renewable building materials on the planet, and it’s beautiful,” says City of Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts. “We intend to lead by example and use wood wherever it makes economic and practical sense. This new policy supports the goals we’ve outlined in our Sustainability Charter and Climate Change Action Plan and it will help us create more sustainable and attractive communities.” |