Mark Kube, R.P.F., Industry Advisor, FPInnovations
With a bachelor’s degree in forestry from the University of Alberta and 28 years of experience working in both industry and government Mark has become a specialist in reforestation, timber harvesting and log hauling. Other experiences that Mark has acquired include, monitoring forest sector performance, negotiating long-term timber allocations and promoting wood products in both domestic and export markets. Mark is also a past President of the Canadian Institute of Forestry and a former councilor with the Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals.
Now with FPInnovations, Mr. Kube will utilize his education and many years of experience to focus on assisting forest companies and Indigenous communities with best industry standards and innovation that improves environmental performance and reduces production costs. He is very passionate about working to maintain a balance between a sustainable forest industry and the environmental and cultural impact it has on the land base.
The Benefits of Using Wood in Constructing Forest Access Roads in Alberta
Trees and their derivative products have been used for thousands of years in transporting people and products across vast distances. The use of wood products to construct resource roads in Canada is steeped in history, beginning with the Hudson’s Bay Company and North West Company who established routes covering more than 7,770,000 km2of territories. These vital transportation corridors brought fur traders, gold miners and settlers across the Dominion that shaped the history of Canada.
Pioneer roads in Canada integrated materials that could be sourced locally, using techniques that can be traced all the way back to Chinese civilization and the Roman Empire. Ancient water crossing techniques like wood corduroy and native timber decks continue to be used today to access forests for recreation and economic development while protecting water quality and riparian values. Foresters and technologists in Alberta implement best management practices in the planning, design, construction and maintenance of forest resource roads to prevent soil, logging debris and deleterious substances from entering watercourses.
Wood remains unparalleled in visual design and versatility when used in combination with other materials. The durability of wood crossings, their ease of maintenance and overall environmental performance is superior in the construction of remote resource roads and their deactivation.
The history of wood use in constructing resource roads will be highlighted to demonstrate its superior environmental performance in Alberta.