Insurance Best Practices Guide

Insurance Best Practices Guide Now Available! Not sure where to start with your timber project?  Unsure how to navigate builder’s risk insurance for your timber project?  This guide can get you on the right track!  Download the free PDF here! DOWNLOAD NOW!

Atlantic Wood Design Awards

Wood Design Awards and Symposium – February 9th, 2022 Register Here AGENDA 10:00-11:00AM Session 1 – Mass Timber â€“ CLT Design Considerations Presenter Name: Dan Tingley Abstract: Mass Timber has arrived in the world capital infrastructure marketplace while architects and structural engineers are trying to get educated about how to design with this new advanced engineered wood material. This paper discusses three important aspects of

2019-2020 Wood Design Award Book wins EXCEL Gold award

2019-2020 Wood Design Award Book wins the EXCEL Gold award in the General audience book category This award is presented by The Associations, Media & Publishing Network – a division of SIIA. General audience book category recognizes best writing and overall packaging of a printed or digital book written for a non-technical or lay audience. Judge Criteria: Quality of design

The Canadian Wood Council is pleased to share our latest report – Insuring Timber

The Canadian Wood Council is pleased to share our latest report – Insuring Timber. Over the years, CWC has commissioned several studies to investigate and understand the workings of the Canadian and Global Insurance industry as it relates to #timber. Taking a slight detour from our usual focus on technical support, this document provides a high level overview of our